Pressing for Evolution in the Field: Annabelle Selldorf on Gender Equity in Architecture

Selldorf Architects, March 14, 2018

We are excited to share Annabelle Selldorf’s essay contribution to NewCities with her thoughts on the field of architecture and gender equity. The essay is part of the series “The Future of Women in Cities,” published on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

“For us to move forward as a society and within our architectural coterie we need to tackle the structures that seek to curtail women’s progress. This is both an issue of policy and individual responsibility. Ultimately, gender equality is an issue of humanism and respect. It is only until we eliminate the notion of “the other” that we will begin to truly achieve a fully evolved and equitable society. It is both an internal and personal endeavor to overcome our own biases as well as an external one to push for change within our field and broadly.”

Read the full essay here